Managing Your Time in School

With so much to do and keep track of, intense time management skills can make all the difference. Get and use a calendar. It can be a paper calendar. It can be your cell phone. It can be a PDA. Make sure you have one no matter what kind it is. Write down everything. Write […]

Tips For A Better Study Habit

Find a Partner It may help you study and better understand the material if you partner with classmates. Collaboration allows you to fill in the gaps for one another. Create a Reference System Creating a way to reference class material helps you find it as needed. Highlight key points in the textbook, as long as […]

Easy Study Tips During Finals

While funds and sleep may be in short supply, many if not most, college students are also nearly always scarce on time. During college finals, having good time management skills becomes even more vital. But just what steps can you take to make sure you’re managing your time well during the chaos of finals week? […]

Competencies In College

While intelligence and academic excellence can play a role in predicting college success, a 2012 study published in “College Student Journal” emphasizes the role of non-academic skills and argues that these skills might be even more significant in predicting college performance than intelligence. Psychological Health Emotional well-being is an important aspect of college success. Students […]

Useful Strategies For Success

Strategy to Success Ineffective study strategies, distractions or wasting time on the wrong material are common mistakes. Customizing your approach to match your personal study style allows you to maximize your time and concentrate on the key information for improved school performance. Clean Up the Environment If you’re surrounded by distractions, you can’t focus on […]